Posts Tagged ‘Toes to bar’

T2B are best executed when you push far away from the pull up bar, creating separation between yourself and the bar. The better that separation, the better chance of bringing the legs up quick and often, reducing rapid fatigue.
5 @ 60%, 5 @ 70%, 5 @ 80%


14 Min AMRAP
30 Kb Swings 55/35
20 Wall Balls 20/14
15 T2B
10 Ring DIps

7 Aug 2014

Posted: August 6, 2014 in Daily WODs
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The correct grip for a toes to bar is a personal preference thing, in my honest opinion. Some athletes have the shoulder mobility to maintain a narrow grip on the bar and still achieve full range of motion. For the general public though, i advise them that the grip on the bar used for toes to bar is the same as you would use for an overhead squat.

Strength: Strict Press

5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, MAX @ 95%


Pull ups

Front Squats 135/95




Core strength is a broad term. In CrossFit, building core strength through the development of mid-line stabilization  is part of the game and understanding that the core extends beyond the  pretty ab muscles and includes the hip as well. The ab muscles are on top of something after all.

Box jumping helps develop that core stability. Coming to a full extension of the hip at the top of the box after each repetition helps to achieve that. The bottom of the hip flexors are attached to the legs, which are doing the work in the jump quite obviously. By coming to a full extension at the top of the jump, the leg gets both an ecsentric and eccentric  motion.

The toe to bar, has a similar effect only in a different execution. The violent contraction of the hip muscles as the toes make contact with bar is the opposite movement as the hip extension on top of the box. There is instead a compression occurring. In conjunction with the box jumps, this couplet is a gasser and will separate the fit from the unfit like few others. However, as a test for the beginning or intermediate athlete, is a great benchmark to see how well you have developed. Enjoy.

Strength: Back Squat
5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, Max @ 95%


Box Jump 24’/20′


1 May 2014

Posted: April 30, 2014 in Uncategorized

Toes to bar. This is a gymnastics move that involves, really simply, bringing the toes to the bar you are hanging from. Very self explanatory. This gets technical though once you desire to do this efficiently and for speed. It is important for you to push away with the shoulders, creating separation between yourself and the bar. Creating this distance, then extending your legs all the way out to make contact with the bar makes the movement more efficient and less strenuous on the shoulders.


Strength: Strict Press
5 @ 60%, 5 @ 70%, 5 @ 80%
Full Clean @ 75% of 1 Rm for 5 reps,
and then…
3 x 5 split Jerk @ same weight

For time:
5 Rounds of:
20 T2B
15 Ring Dips
10 Dead Lifts 185#/135#