Posts Tagged ‘Handstand push ups’

Handstand push ups are a skill that takes some time to master. Once you do though, it is more of a coordination move and less of a skill as you will come to realize. Strict Handstand push ups are essentially and inverted strict press. The same principles apply. Keep the core tight and push directly upwards from the collar to overhead. Overhead just so happens to be the floor but, semantics. It still fits. Learn to get comfortable upside down.


Strength: Bench Press

5 @ 60%, 5 @ 70%, 5 @ 80%

5 Rounds For Time:
20 Kettle bell Thrusters (alternating arms) 55#/35#
40 DU


Hand stand push ups are amazing tests of strength for the shoulders, mid-line and your coordination. At CrossFit Queenston Heights we articulate the movement as a strict press, upside down. All the mid-line stabilizers are active in the handstand push up, and the feet should end in the same position as you would stand in a strict press off of a rack.

V-up sit ups require co-ordination. Otherwise you resemble a large fish brought aboard a fishing trawler. Feet meet toes directly over the hips. Do not just try to touch the toes, extending the torso all the way to the toes. That would be a conventional sit up. Bodyweight strength building. Go get it!


Strength: Deadlift

5 Rounds for time:

10 handstand push-ups
25 V-sits
