1 Oct 2015

Posted: September 30, 2015 in Daily WODs
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In this clean ladder, you have 10 minutes to get as deep as you can in the ladder. Your final score is the final weight you lift. There’s 10 minutes to get as deep as you can in this. However, the catch is the starting weight. For the big boys who can lift a lot of weight, there will be a lot of weight changing going on. For those who aren’t as proficient at the clean, there is plenty of time to catch ones breath, set up and lift safely. Setting up like this in this format allows for a check and balance at each end of the athletic spectrum where even the strongest still need to be efficient with their time.

The starting weight for the men = 95# moving up in 10# increments

The starting weight for the women = 65# moving up in 5 # increments

Clean Ladder 2.1


Strict Press

5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, MAX @ 95%


Clean Ladder 2.1
10 Min AMRAP

1 full clean or power clean
Progress to next heaviest weight
Get as deep as possible in the ladder
95/65  +10#/+ 5 # after every successful clean
Athlete is responsible for changing the weight


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